Staff Selection Commission has conducted the SSC CHSL exam every year for the recruitment to various posts under the Government of India. Staff Selection Commission Combined Higher Secondary Level exam, a major exam for only 12th pass as the minimum educational qualification. Candidates can apply to get a job in the prestigious government jobs for posts such as Data Entry Operator (DEO),
Lower Divisional Clerk (LDC), Court Clerk, Postal Assistant, and Sorting Assistant, etc.

The SSC CHSL Selection Process will require you to pass through 3 Tiers in order to be eligible to get appointed in the SSC CHSL exam. The selection process has been briefly mentioned in the table given below:

  1. Tier – I: Objective Computer-Based Test
  2. Tier – II: Descriptive Paper in English/Hindi (Pen and Paper mode)
  3. Tier – III: Skill Test/Typing Test Wherever Applicable

SSC CHSL Tier-I Exam Pattern:

Selection Commission (SSC) conducted online comprising of 4 sections with about a 100 questions in total and with maximum marks of 200. The entire exam is needed to be completed in a time span of 60 minutes. There is a negative marking of 0.50 Marks for each wrong answer. Therefore, it has become imperative for aspirants to perform well in four sections to clear the exam.

Details are below:


Name of the test

No. of questions

Maximum Marks

Time allotted

1 General Intelligence and Reasoning 25 50

1 Hour
2 Quantitative Aptitude 25 50
3 English Comprehension 25 50
4 General Awareness 25 50
Total 100 200
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