UPSC will conduct Written Test and Interview for filling the vacancies under the posts – Enforcement Officer/ Accounts Officer in Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO). Aspirants appearing for the exam would be wondering about the exam pattern, type of questions asked in the examination, difficulty level and many more. To help you with your questions and enhance your chances of clearing the UPSC EPFO Exam, Disha Publication has brought before you a compiled set of free practice paper for your test prep analysis. With this, you will get to know not only the difficulty level of the written exam but also help you in identifying important topics which have frequently appeared in the previous UPSC EPFO Exams.
Aspirants need to build a smart preparation strategy to crack the exam and that must include the task of practising. To buck up the speed of the exam preparation you must focus on practice, it will help you avoid silly mistakes and making guesses. Besides, he/she would be able to identify their weak areas and improve their speed and accuracy. You can now download the free PDF file of Disha’s practice set for the UPSC EPFO Exam.
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