Class 12th Sample Papers - Latest Pattern 2020

CBSE Sample Paper 2020 Class 12 is vital for practice. Are you preparing for the Class 12 board exam this 2020? We bring you a big collection of free download study materials for all the subjects. Practice it often, and build your confidence. Regardless, of whether you are thorough with your prescribed books, the practice of sample papers is a must. You learn the art of time management, which is key to success and scoring high marks. Besides, the papers are designed as per the latest pattern, which helps you get updated with the marking schemes and the various level of difficulty. Now hold your breath and begin to download the free sample papers. You are already in the path of success.
Disha Publication has been innovative is imparting the best knowledge for Class 12 board exams. Here we let you explore an immense way to master the concepts and improve your exam-taking skills. You need not worry, but give yourself to the tips and suggestions by experts. It will guide you in the direction of learning and fulfilling your goals. Analyze your mistakes and prove yourself to be better every day in your preparation. It starts here!
Download Class 12th Sample Papers
Sample Paper 1 | Class 12 Biology 2020 Exam | |
Sample Paper 1 | Class 12 Chemistry 2020 Exam | |
Sample Paper 1 | CBSE Class 12 English Core 2020 Exam | |
Sample Paper 1 | CBSE Class 12 Mathematics 2020 Exam | |
Sample Paper 1 | CBSE Class 12 Physics 2020 Exam |
Sample Paper 2 | Super 10 Class 12 Biology | |
Sample Paper 2 | Super 10 Class 12 Chemistry | |
Sample Paper 2 | Super 10 Class 12 English Core | |
Sample Paper 2 | Super 10 Class 12 Mathematics | |
Sample Paper 2 | Super 10 Class 12 Physics |
What are the benefits of Sample Papers for the Class 12 Board Exam 2020?
There are amazing advantages you can master from sample papers. Make these benefits your strength:Â
- A great majority of students get over-anxious and forget what they have studied for a year long. Samples papers are your companion to boost the level of confidence and get rid of exam-fever.
- Having just the idea about the exam can be confusing, with actual practice. Sample papers are a useful source to understand the marking scheme, the pattern, and the type of questions. Practice gets you familiarized with the problems of the exam.
- The sample papers let you acquire time management skills. Without it, you will lose a great portion of marks, for not able to complete the questions on time.
- It develops writing skills. The class 12 board exam consists of different question types. With Sample papers, you will develop the skills required for writing.
Disha Publication has combined all these elements on our practice papers, to make your exam-ready, both emotional and conceptually. Explore one after another, and discover the uniqueness in the sample papers.Â
How can I score 100% Marks in all Subject for Class 12 board Exam?
For some the vast syllaubs can be a daunting. Disha Publication has identified from years of dealing with students and developed innovative ways to score high in all subjects. Too often students get confused with concepts. Every subject has its own structure.
Here are a few important suggestions to get 100% Marks with CBSE Sample paper class 12 Physics/Chemistry/Maths/Biology/English:
- Clear the Basics: Start from the first formulae. If you have not understood the first, it will be difficult to solve the given problem. Make sure that the basics are cleared and you have understood to the fullest.
- Write down the formulas of different chapters separately, and register them in your mind. It is often observed that, students apply the wrong formulae for a question, and which ultimately gives wrong answers. Have a clear picture in your mind about the formulae to be applied.
- Take notes on important points. Revise them, and read them often.
- The above points can be strengthened if you practice the sample papers. The secret of scoring 100% in Physics/Chemistry/Maths/Biology/English is nothing but Practice. It’s a daily practice that enables you to solve any kind of question in speed, and accuracy.
- Try out the previous year’s papers. There is a great similarity in the questions. If you are thorough with the past year’s questions you can be sure to have mastered much of the concepts.
- Be thorough with the pattern, the marking scheme, and the syllabus. It should be on your fingertips. The toppers of Class 12 Exams are so sure of the text on each page. This means that they are thorough with the syllabus and the pattern of the examination. You too can. Begin now and be a topper.
How do I get the best books for Class 12 Board Exam Preparation?
With the changes in pattern and syllabus for recent CBSE Class 12 Exams, the right selection of reference books will be of immense help. Disha Publication has a store piled up of an amazing list of books, which are simple in concept clarity, depth in its understanding, and comprehensive in its syllabus. Pick your best book for class 12 Physics/Chemistry/Maths/Biology/English, and begin your preparation.
Here are a few helpful insights to get the best books:
- Try out the Free Samples of the books
- Check the syllabus, and to what extent it covers
- Explore different types of Practice Papers
- Find tips and strategies, info graphics, etc
There is no time to waste. You have everything here, and that too free. Try out, and get your preparation for the justice it deserves. Get Started Now!