The pattern of English Questions in most of the exams has changed. The questions which used to be asked directly, now, have a catch/ twist. It is very important that you must have seen such questions else they will dupe you in the exam. The book Essential English captures each of such questions and thus prepares you for the latest pattern of Competitive Exams.
The different types of questions are presented below for your reference,
- Reading Comprehension – now has sentences marked with numbers (and certain words given in bold) & missing word/ sentence marked with alphabets. Some bold words are wrongly used or interchanged. Questions are asked to identify the missing word/ sentence; Identify the wrongly used pair of words. _To see sample download the pdf given below._
- Spotting Error Type I – are now asked in the form of a 2 column table where parts of sentences are provided. The student has to identify the correct combination out of the choices. _To see sample downloadthe pdf given below._
- Spotting Error Type II – This question consists of a sentence which is divided into three parts which contain grammatical errors in one or more than one part of the sentence. This is followed by 3 options where the 3 parts are written differently. You have to identify the grammatically correct part(s) from these 3 options. There can be multiple correct parts. _To see sample downloadthe pdf given below._
- Sentence Formation using Connectors Type 1 – here a word is provided followed by 4 sentences, You have to identify the correct combination of sentence formed using the Connector. _To see sample download the pdf given below._
- Sentence Formation using Connectors Type 2 – here 2 sentences are given followed by 4/5 words as options (Connector). You have to identify the Connector which can create the best meaningful sentence with the given sentences. _To see sample download the pdf given below._
- Sentence Formation using Connectors Type 3 – here 2 sentences are given followed by 3 short connector phrases. You have to identify the number of Connector(s) out of the 3 which can create the meaningful sentences with the 2 given sentences. _To see sample download the pdf given below. _
- Fillers Type I (IBPS PO 2019) – A small paragraph with 3 blanks followed by 6 optional words suggested to fill each blank. You have to identify the correct combination of the 3 words that completes the paragraph. _To see sample download the pdf given below._
- Fillers Type II (MAT 2017) – A small paragraph with 2 portions missing followed by 3 optional phrases/ sentences suggested to fill the 2 blanks. You have to identify the correct combination of the phrases/ sentences that completes the paragraph. _To see sample download the pdf given below._
- Cloze Test – now had a word written (which may be a possible option) in bracket along with each blank. You have to choose among 4 given optional words and the one in bracket which is best suited. _To see sample download the pdf given below._
Download pdf: Sample New Variety Questions in Essential English Download Now
- This book is new and updated Edition published in the year 2019.
- It covers Past Year Questions from (2015 – 2019) of SSC/ IBPS PO/ Clerk/ SBI PO/ Clerk/ MBA and Defense exams.
- It provides Comprehensive Theory with Examples and Things to remember/ Strategies to employ for solving each Question Types.
- It covers Descriptive Composition – Précis writing/ Letter writing/ Essay Writing as asked in Banking/ UPSC/ SSC Tier III Exams
- The book also covers Logical and Critical Reasoning based Comprehension as being asked in various Banking/ MBA Exams.
- The Book provides 5000+ Practice Questions divided into 2 Levels with Answers and Explanations in latest pattern.
- It covers new variety of Practice Questions: Column-based Sentence Formation/ Reading Comprehension / Cloze tests / Error spotting question/ Phrase Replacement etc.
- The book is Error Freeand every effort has been made to provide the best content.
- 80% Solution of questions are provided unlike other Books in the market which provide No or 20 – 40% solutions only.
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